
Hormone Replacement Therapy

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Hormone Replacement Therapy services offered in Willow Park, TX

Hormone replacement therapy is a safe, effective way to find lasting relief from symptoms related to menopause and low testosterone. At Glam Science, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is available for adult men and women. Nadeem Khan, MD, and the aesthetics team personalize a care plan using bioidentical hormone pellets that provide a constant influx of hormones directly into your bloodstream to enjoy more energy, boost your libido, and improve your mental clarity. Call Glam Science today to schedule a hormone replacement consultation or book an appointment online.

What is hormone replacement?

Hormone replacement is a therapy that restores balance to your natural hormone levels. This treatment can ease a range of hormone imbalance symptoms in men and women.

Hormone replacement therapy aims to replenish your hormone levels with supplemental hormones. Glam Science offers bioidentical hormones structurally similar to your body’s hormones but comes from yams, soy, and other plants.

The hormone specialists personalize a care plan to help you find the most effective dose of supplemental hormones to relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Why would I need hormone replacement?

A hormone imbalance usually develops as you get older and your endocrine system slows down its production of reproductive hormones. You could also be at risk of an imbalance if you have underlying medical conditions that disrupt your hormone levels.

The Glam Science team could recommend hormone replacement therapy if you experience persistent symptoms of an imbalance, including:

  • Brain fog
  • Low libido
  • Weight gain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances

A hormone imbalance can cause irregular periods and vaginal dryness in women experiencing menopause. Men often lose muscle mass and can experience erectile dysfunction (ED) due to low testosterone.

The hormone specialists offer on-site blood tests to assess your natural hormone levels. They review your symptoms and medical history to determine if hormone replacement therapy suits you.

What can I expect during hormone replacement?

Glam Science uses bioidentical hormone pellets in your hormone replacement plan. The team implants a rice-sized pellet just under the surface of your skin during a simple in-office procedure.

The pellet delivers a steady stream of estrogen, testosterone, or other hormones into your body to rebalance your natural hormone levels. The pellet method bypasses your liver and doesn’t increase your risk of blood clots or other complications that oral hormones can cause.

Each pellet lasts several months before it dissolves. The team replaces your hormone pellets as needed during follow-up visits. They monitor your symptom relief and can adjust your dosage as needed.

Call Glam Science today to schedule a hormone replacement consultation or book an appointment online.